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"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"

Ok, this is my first posting in this year, I hope your goal can be reached, and accompanied by all the good things and luck.

Okay, because I’m fan of the LOTR, I will give my review about the other movie “ The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”. Since, I’ve never yet read the book, I can’t compare this movie with the originally novel, but I wonder why this movie become trilogy because the book is looked thinner than when I read the LOTR and the novel of the LOTR is trilogy in originally, but when I’ve seen the movie is still amazing as well as the LOTR, of course because the director is still Peter Jackson. I really love the setting like place, effect, costume, and the plot of story is great, make me want to read the novel as soon as possible.

For the lover of the LOTR, you must be know that this story “The Hobbit” is telling about the adventure of Bilbo Baggins, and how he gets the ring from Gollum. I like the acting of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins, reminds me of character “Pippin = Peregrin Took” , is like comical thing. Oh, yeah I want to share something, after I saw this movie, I just rewatched “the LOTR and The Fellowship of The Ring”, and there is scene about how Bilbo Baggins find the ring from Gollum, and the actor is the old version Bilbo Baggins “Ian Holm” not the Martin Freeman, hehe, I think Peter Jackson wasn’t plan that he will make another piece of Tolkien work, -just in my mind- but this is a good thing, than used somebody else and next, when you see the role is done by somebody else too.

For you, the one who didn’t yet see the movie, go immediately to the cinema, watched in 3D and taking the last row, because I got the great effect when the dragon is breathing as if he comes directly come from my back. I feel, it was great to see some artificial work that made with every effort, love and passion. Ok, Happy New Year 2013! =D , I hope I can continue share something in this blog, sorry for the inconvenience thing.


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